
Showing posts from August, 2017

Homeschool Management

Getting started on homeschooling can be nerve wracking and confusing. Hopefully the following post will be helpful in getting you organized and provide tips on managing your homeschool.

Hajj Lessons

Cow and Lamb Cakes Hajj Lapbook One of the things I love most about homeschooling is being able to customize our learning. We can pick and choose any topic and turn it into a unit study. Every year, ever since my oldest was in KG, we have dedicated 2 weeks to learning about Hajj.  During this period we read and discuss the story of Ibrahim (pbuh), Prophet Ibraheem's journey from Babylon to Makkah, the geographical location of the Holy cities: climate, habitats, etc., and scientific facts surrounding those areas. This turns into quite an exciting unit study. Lapbook Cover