Juggling Homeschool, House, Family, Activities, and Me-Time

Folks always ask how I manage homeschooling, taking care of the house, the kids, the husband, and extended family obligations. I try to give the most practical advice, and this is pretty much how it goes....

There's an episode of The Office where Will Farrell's character does a juggling routine with invisible balls. It's a hilarious scene as he goes around the room intensely focused on the invisible balls while the rest of the office staff look at him like he's a total maniac! This is exactly what homeschool mothers look like! We have so much to juggle that other folks don't see. We are responsible for teaching our children manners, emotional management, life skills, their extra curricular activities, and the added responsibility of their academics; all while still having to manage the household duties, and the needs and concerns of everyone else around us. It feels like an impossible task, but in my experience the first step to being able to manage all of your responsibilities without looking like a crazy lady is to identify your what you're in control of and to prioritize.

When prioritizing you must identify what tasks you can let go of. It's imperative to understand that whatever tasks you forego or put-off for later will not disrupt the peace in your home. For example, laundry folded and sitting in a basket does not bother me, however, it bothers my spouse, so that is not something I can let go of. Dishes in the sink for a few hours does not bother me or my spouse, but it may disturb my in-laws, who live with us, so, that too is not something I can put off till later. Toys all over the kids bedroom is something I can put off to the end of the day, because no matter how much we pick up, there will always be a toy mess.    

It's also SO important to know that some days wont go the way you expected. You may have to put schooling and house work aside to spend extra time with your emotional child. You may have to put schooling aside and let the kids play outside for a few hours to catch up on housework that has been neglected. It's totally fine. Most of the time, taking time-off from certain responsibilities helps you come back fresh.

I tend to stress out about things on my to-do list that don't get done, so I make it a point to write my tasks down in order of priority and estimate how long each task will take. This way things get done and I stay sane! Below is an example of how I prioritize tasks. Now, I'm not on top of everything 100% of the time, but this certainly helps.

 Most Important Tasks    Secondary Tasks      Once-a-Week Hand-off to Someone Else 
 Kids Schooling (3-4 hrs) Clean Kitchen (40 mins)Grocery Shopping Clean downstairs (kids) 
 Kids Quran Review ( 40 mins) Laundry  (2x/wk)Clean classroom (kids) 
My Quran/ Dhikr (30 mins)   
Cooking (40 mins)   
Practices! (2 hrs)   


For me, deciding what to cook is half the work. Anytime I ask the million-dollar question "What do you guy want for dinner?" The usual reply is "anything." And I am left having to decide what to make that everyone will eat! To tackle this on-going dilemma, as a family on Sunday mornings we make a list of meals we would like to eat throughout the week. Then I fill in the kitchen calendar with the meals and we do the weekly groceries accordingly. This saves me so much time during the week. 

The Instant Pot is the best investment I've made. When I first bought it, it was somewhat of an impulse buy because everyone was purchasing one on Black Friday, but hands-down it has been the biggest homeschool helper! On busy days I can easily throw everything in, turn it on, leave for practice/classes/ etc. and come back to a warm meal, alhamdulillah. 

I plan my cooking around the kids. It's easiest for me to cook when the boys are busy, usually when they're playing outside after lunch or while they are in their afternoon religious studies class. 


With all the hours spent on kids and home, when do you find time to take care of yourself? 

Self-care is unique to each individual. Some moms need to go get a cup of coffee on their own, others may need a massage or facial, some need time with their friends on a regular basis, and others may be completely satisfied with locking the door and folding the laundry while watching an episode of the office on her own for 25 minutes. 

It's very important for you to make time for what makes you happy. Make it a priority, because a happy mom = a happy home. Find the balance. However, you must recognize that when you homeschool your "me-time" is going to be limited, and for that reason, homeschooling is not necessarily for everyone. 

Invest in a Planner

I highly recommend investing in a planner that suits you. For my personal use, I love the Passion Planner. It organizes each day into 30 minute segments so you can color in/block off what to do during the day. For individuals like me that prefer visuals, using a planner really helps you map out the day and keep you stay on track.

Don't Be Afraid To Ask For Help

You don't have to do it all alone! Ask for help when you feel overwhelmed. Turn to someone you can depend on when things get tough. Sometimes I just need to vent to a friend that lends her ear when I need it and, of course, I rely on my supportive husband when I need help. He is also always ready to remind me to scale back when I have signed up for too much. Which brings me to my next tip...

Learn to Say "No"
I have trouble saying "no", which results in my plate being too full, which in turn, takes time away from my priorities and ultimately can lead to burn-out. As moms, we don't want our children to miss an awesome experience, so we sign on to too many activities, field trips and play-dates. The thing is, God willing, our children will have plenty of time to take part in everything you wish for them, but a burnt-out mom results in no productivity. This tip also refers to saying no to favors when you already have a lot going on. Always remember A happy mom= A happy home; therefore, say no if it takes time away from your priorities - for your own sanity.

Minimize Distractions
A couple months ago I  felt like my responsibilities were piling up and I didn't have enough time in the day to complete everything.  It didn't take me long to realize the problem. I was taking a break to scroll through IG every so often, and well, we all know how lost we can get in just scrolling.  I made the decision to log off of social media from my phone and suddenly time became ample! Remove unnecessary distractions from your life.

So, dear Homeschool Mama juggling all your tasks, you're not alone! I hope these few tips help you in your journey. Remember, your well-being is priority number one: A happy mom = A happy home.

Share your tips on managing homeschool life in the comments below!


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